Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Strategic Management and Leadership (3) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Strategic Management and Leadership (3) - Essay Example The political environment of the location insisted on selling off the German Subsidiary of GM, Opel to the other investors formed by the coalition of Canadian-Austrian Brand Magna and Russian bank Sberbank but the company did not agree to that. Funding were being offered by government business regulating agencies to the company to remain in the European market with an assurance of providing 5,500 jobs to the people in the Vauxhall unit of the company (Boston, 2009). More emphasis given on the restructuring of the system in order to resist the effect of the economic crisis and form an entirely new system to provided emergence of new opportunities for business and the employment activities (Brunello, 2009). Buyer Bargaining Power – The complications between GM and German authorities including the other involved companies influenced the buyers’ decision over GM products. It indicated the strengthening of the bargaining power of buyers. Competitive Rivalry – The competitive rivalry between GM and other European brands have increased because of the controversial situation of Opel in European market. To perform in such kind of highly competitive environment GM adopted approaches of product differentiation as it supported the company to develop its unique image in its customer group. Threat of New Entrants – The economic condition of the location does not have potential capability which allows any new organization to enter the market as the economic condition gradually became worse. GM remained out of such kind of pressure as due to several big brands it becomes tough for any company to start its own business in the automobile sector. Resources – The Company possess a strong resource backing for both tangible as well as intangible resources. Forming strategic partnership has also benefited the organization in generating resources for its production process. To confirm the availability of its resources the

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Pretzel company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Pretzel company - Essay Example Mission Statement The mission statement of Angelix Pretzels is to create the finest quality hard salted pretzels with a commitment to incorporate the freshest and richest nutritional ingredients. The products of Angelix Pretzels will meet the highest standard of excellence and offer greater value to the customer with enhanced quality. Furthermore, Angelix Pretzels will also seek to respond to the changing needs of potential customers as well as offers product at competitive price. Objectives The objectives of Angelix Pretzels are as follows: To enhance profit and production without compromising product quality To generate strong sales in the city’s major supermarket chains To maintain consolidated control on cost of business operations Company History Angelix Pretzels will offer delicious and nutritious hard salted pretzel products in the market of Washington City. The company will be established as a general partnership business. The business partners will be liable for perfo rming all managerial responsibilities. In order to expand the business, Angelix Pretzels will attempt to take the advantage of demand of hard salted pretzel in the city of Washington. In order to survive in the market, the company will strive hard to build a loyal customer base. The company will be registered as Angelix Pretzels and will operate its business solely from the city of Washington. Marketing Mix In order to survive in a market any new company needs to constantly produce and deliver quality products in an increasingly sustainable way, while meeting business objectives simultaneously. Thus, in order to achieve the business objectives, Angelix Pretzels should ensure that it balances the four elements or the 4Ps of marketing mix. Product Angelix Pretzels will produce and market standard hard salted pretzels product. The standard hard salted pretzels product will be made by considering the nutritional value and health of the customers. In view of that, 1 Oz (ounce) of hard sa lted pretzels will contain 108 calories which can be further include 8% of fats, 83% of carbohydrates and 9% of protein. The common serving size of hard salted pretzels will be 1 Oz, 10 Oz and 100 Oz. Angelix Pretzels will emphasize on attaining greater profitability through increased sales of its product and critically place importance in satisfying the customers’ needs and preferences. Nowadays, people have become concerned about health related issues, and thus they desire for eating healthy food without compromising the taste. Hence, Angelix Pretzels would be very careful while using wholesome ingredients in its product. In order to maintain the quality of its product, Angelix Pretzels will prudently select its suppliers. It will ensure greater customer satisfaction (Hood and Morgan, â€Å"Marketing a Food Product: Marketing Considerations for a Small-Scale Food Processor†). Price Pricing is vital for opening any new business because price can determine the sales as well as amount of profit. In order to maintain the position in the market, Angelix Pretzels will offer its’ product at competitive price. The price fixed by the company for its product would be