Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Themes Listed Under Functional Age - 1294 Words

Research and Analysis The research analysis will now discuss the themes listed under functional age. It will elaborate on how biological, psychological and sociological factors contribute towards describing the definition of what it is to be old. As stated in my introduction, functional age has advantages over chronological age by better measuring the capabilities of an individual. Seniors are often stereotyped and underestimated that has led it to being generalized across the elder population. This report will use peer reviewed research articles and the lived experience of a senior to support the thesis. Biological changes are probably the most noticeable change to an individual in regards to the topic of aging. This theme looks at how old the individual seems to be by measurements of how well the body is performing. Variables can range from vitals such as heart rate, blood pressure or lab tests like glucose levels and liver function to any other factors that play into allowing the individual to perform various activities of daily living. According to a research report done on whether limitations where were more prevalent towards a population between 55 to 69 were not statistically significant in terms of vision, hearing, cognitive functioning, and ADLs (Choi, Schoeni, Martin, 2016). The researcher studied more than 72,000 subjects between the years of 1998 to 2012 in the United States. Data collection was done through a longitudinal survey either over the phone or inShow MoreRelatedDiversity Within The Workplace And How Communication Is The Driving Force Behind It Essay1463 Words   |  6 PagesDiversity in the workplace and how communication is the driving force behind it. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Management Analyst - 720 Words

1. According to the systematic approach to managing diversity, recruitment and retention are a critical component of diversity management. Summarize the issues involved in recruiting and retaining a culturally diverse workforce. Regarding diverse employees and diverse employees and diverse markets, Canas and Sondak argue that better-performing companies may simply attract the best talent among all groups of workers. Explain the meaning, and discuss whether you agree disagree. Recruiting and retaining a culturally diverse workforce are crucial components for an organization that wants to build and sustain a successful operation. Organization must identify and take necessary action to resolve issues involved in the recruiting and†¦show more content†¦Discuss the six diversity components and associated diversity initiatives that make up the systematic approach to diversity management. Why are these components important in managing diversity? The six diversity components and associated diversity initiatives that make up the systematic approach to diversity management are: (1) Leadership commitment – without leadership commitment, especially at the highest level, diversity initiatives will fall short as leadership commitment is the backbone for developing and sustaining a successfully diverse organization. Leadership commitment must not only be on paper; it must also be reflected in the hands-on, personal involvement of management, ensuring the board of directors and council reflect a clear representation of the workforce as well as the organization’s external customers, and the financial support management allocate to recruit and retain a diverse workforce; (2) Communication is a key component because is it important for the management to clearly articulate the organization’s definition of diversity to include the organization’s goals and vision as it relates to diversity; (3) Recruitment and Retention serve as a measuring stick that gauges the success of an organization’s recruitment and retention strategies. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Music Makes Sense free essay sample

Music Makes Sense by N. S., Cranston, RI To most, those small black dots and lines on paper seem overwhelming and confusing, but to me they make perfect sense. Although complicated and challenging at times, music is a part of who I am. Between the music I play in the band room and the music that comes from my stereo, I have found a song to describe every emotion. I know songs that describe my fears and sorrows and songs that express my joys and happiness. I realized at an early age that my singing voice would not earn me a place on the cover of a CD. Rather than accepting this as a setback, I looked toward the next best thing: musical instruments. The piano and the clarinet became my introduction to the world of music. Playing the piano taught me the necessary skills to master some of musics most renowned pieces; Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Hot Cross Buns, to name two. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Makes Sense or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My musical career moved on to bigger and better things when I joined the school band and began my next instrument, the clarinet. As a part of the band, I began to listen to music in a different way. We came together to create beautiful melodies which can bring tears to my eyes and send chills up my spine. The band made me listen to more than just the words of a song and listen to the music which, for me, has a language of its own.