Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay on Teddy Roosevelt - 1199 Words

Roosevelt, Theodore (American President) (c. 1858-1919) Roosevelt’s presidency began with the chaos of McKinley’s assassination in 1901, when Roosevelt was 43 years old, and ended after his second term, achieved by his election to President in 1904. Although Roosevelt’s selection as McKinley’s Vice-President was more of a political pay-off, and the New York political machine, fearing an independent Roosevelt, was more than ready to say good-bye to Roosevelt as Governor, Roosevelt is acknowledged by most historians as having waged a vigorous and winning campaign, while his presidential candidate seemed content to stay behind. With McKinley’s assassination, the Republicans and the country had bought themselves an activist president who,†¦show more content†¦After graduating from Harvard in 1876, his future lay ahead of him. An zealous adherent to the Victorian values of marriage and family, Roosevelt was engaged to be married to Alice Lee before he graduated. The year of his marriage also became the beginning of his political career. Roosevelt quit law school after one year and pursued a career in politics in New York City wards. He was able to get elected to the New York legislature. He immediately began to expose corruption and special interests which dominated the political arena at the time. After serving in several political appointments from New York City Police Commissioner to a Colonel in the American Army charging hills in Cuba, Roosevelt knew his life would be in public service. In what has been called one Roosevelt’s greatest tragedies was the loss of his wife and mother o n the same day: Valentine’s Day, 1884. His wife, Alice, had given birth to a daughter, Alice Lee. After spending two years in mourning, during which he spent much time in the western frontiers and wilderness raising cattle and hunting buffalo, he authored several books including the Naval War of 1812 and volumes on the rigors and requirements for settling the western frontiers. Roosevelt married a young woman named Edith Carow. His family grew to two daughters and four sons. He isShow MoreRelatedTeddy Roosevelt : A Sick Kid808 Words   |  4 PagesTeddy Roosevelt. Adventurist, Workaholic, Naturalist, Republican, Hunter etc. He did it all. But he didn’t exactly start that way. We all know Teddy as the one who just wouldn’t stop. He did EVERYTHING, if he had an idea, he put it out there and no matter how dumb the idea the public supported him because they loved him so much. But once again, he didn’t start that way. Teddy Roosevelt was a sick kid from the very start, he had a breathing problem. 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